
Grow Your Marriage

re|engage brings couples together to learn about God’s design for marriage and apply biblical principles for building a healthy relationship. This ministry offers hope by helping couples move toward oneness through stories of grace, teaching, and small groups. re|engage is a marriage enrichment program; whether couples are struggling to get along, have broken relationships, or simply want to grow closer together, marriages in any condition can benefit.

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Our next session begins September 2024!

Marriage Help Today

Here are some helpful resources to encourage and equip you in your marriage.

re|engage FAQs

Who is re|engage for?
re|engage is for one man, one woman couples who are married (in other words, this is not for seriously dating, engaged, or cohabitating couples). Previously married couples who are separated or divorced and are considering reconciliation are encouraged to attend as well. Whether your marriage needs to be reignited, or is in need of a complete resurrection, re|engage is a safe place for couples with a marriage in any condition to reconnect.
Is re|engage marriage counseling?
re|engage is not marriage counseling and the leaders are facilitators, not counselors. They are also growing in their own marriages. Everyone in the group is on the journey to oneness in marriage. We believe that openness and honesty in a small group setting, using Biblically-based curriculum, is where God works to grow and resurrect marriages.
What does a typical re|engage time look like?
The format of the time is as follows: 1.5 hours: small group time to discuss the video and the week’s topical curriculum
What commitment do I have to make?
Working through the re|engage curriculum will require a 14-week commitment. Each week, couples typically spend around 1 hour to view the video, review the curriculum and talk through the discussion questions. The group meets collectively once a week to work through the curriculum together. The time required will vary, but it is designed for minimal time commitment.
How do I know that re|engage will be a safe place to share?
Though we encourage you to remain active in group discussion, any personal sharing during the small group meetings is voluntary. Our prayer is that you will feel safe to share within your small group. We find that the more authentic and transparent couples can be with others, the more they find hope and healing within their marriage. We believe that scripture calls us to refrain from gossip, and we ask all participants and facilitators to adhere to the guidelines that what is discussed in the group stays in the group. re|engage facilitators are encouraged to operate under the direction of God’s Word in handling the information shared in the group. In order to provide a safe environment, the facilitators have committed to not share information about others outside the group except in the event of the threat of physical, emotional, or spiritual injury, then to be dealt with under the guidance of re|engage staff.
What is the origin of re|engage?
Re|engage is a ministry developed by Watermark Community Church in Dallas, Texas. The basic re|engage structure was created in 2008 out of Watermark’s desire to serve all marriages in our community well. As stories of improved marriages spread, other churches began inquiring about re|engage which led churches outside Watermark to offer re|engage starting in 2012.

Contact the re|engage Team